
By WeeDragon_J

Dower House

Headed to Corstorphine for a change. This is Dower House now used as the Corstorphine Heritage Centre. Taken from the path next to the bowling green.

The weather has been so interchangeable. You would not believe that it was chucking it down 10mins before! The wind and horizontal rain and flying weapon leaves makes not comfortable walking and taking photos into the wind. And not much shelter here either, at least the sun and blue sky held up long enough for this Blip.

You get a lovely view of the Pentlands from St Margaret's Park. I was half expecting some snow on the Pentlands after the hailstones and heavy rain last night, there were plenty of menacing clouds over them today though.

The shadows on the sides of Dower House look interesting, so a winter trip needs to be planned for the tree shadows I think.

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