Michael Plaice

By Cheeryoscuro


I'm not sure what it's like where you are but small places here. lose the plot a bit when their team does something special. Rosscarbery is a place I've blipped before in various guises and their team Carbery Rangers reached the County Final (Gaelic Football, like soccer but you can handle the ball and make actual physical contact with your opponent) this year for the first time in 108 years. They last reached these heights in 1906. So I've been passing signs and teddy bears (some sinister) and flags all week. Even a boat and a car in the colours amongst other things. The excitement was palpable and there wasn't a soul left in Ross today, they were all at the match. So I think it might have gone to Róisín head. They lost by three points and I wondered where this leaves Róisín...

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