
By sue2014bs

Hambleden Lock

Was so impressed with this spot after passing through it on last weeks Skyride, that I had to return. (by car)

The weather was so good today, that I just had to get out in the sunshine. Am starting to feel human again after coming down with the sniffles earlier this week. A great lunch was had at the Flower Pot, before the short walk back to the car. Terry was very well behaved the whole time but nervous on the weir, maybe because of the noise?

Back on the sofa to digest the lunch, but fell asleep during 'Carry on Loving'!

Out tonight at Norden farm to see the film ' The Grand Seduction'. Another lovely film like last weeks. laugh out loud funny & heart warming.
Shame about the lack of food at Norden.... didn't realise the chef left at 3pm :-(

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