Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

First taste of tomatoes...

At lunchtime today Kerr tried tomatoes for the very first time, and its the only thing so far which we have had a negative reaction to. I think the concoction I made was a bit too sharp - he kept screwing his face up and shivering! It was also his very first time having any meat. It was a puree of chicken breast, tomatoes, red pepper, onion and basil. Think I will leave it a couple of weeks before giving him this again - he has 9 more portions of it in the freezer, so I hope he grows to like it!

I took Kerr to church with me this morning, and left him in the creche. He has never been left before, and I kept looking at the door at the front of the church expecting the creche girls to come and get me. However it got to the end of the service and I hadn't been called out to him. When I collected him he seemed in quite a good mood, but apparently he had been crying a bit at the start. I will try him again next week in the hope that he gets used to it.

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