A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Me time? Tea time? Three time?

Too tired to pick one title and all three apply. The Waterstone's 3 for 2 deal gets me every time and when I found myself with an unexpected hour to myself, no reading material to hand outside their store it was a no-brainer. A good thing as at this stage of a busy weekend and fully underslept and hungover anything that doesn't require my brain is welcome. I have half an hour with a pot of tea and hopefully an easy read to get enough charge into my brain for this afternoon's rehearsal.

This morning was very up and down with the kids learning too many lessons about dealing with disappointment and Carl suffering the effects of not having enough 'him time'. Being an eternal optimist I like to think some good will come of all this learning.

In the meantime my tea-cup is definitely full. Hope yours is too.
Lesley x

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