Another Day

By BlackTulip

Central Milton Keynes

The curtains which almost fell down on their own late last week are now back where they should be. Fingers crossed they stay there.

Another strange noise as we were eating dinner in the kitchen last night. We had a tentative look around to see what it was but were none the wiser until this morning, when I discovered one of the bars which sits half-way across our UPVC windows had fallen off. This is quite a regular occurrence outside, but unusual indoors. Another job for JJ.

I had a good morning in Milton Keynes, meeting my cousin for coffee, then dashing down to M&S where I managed to find two pairs of trousers that fit around the waist and not on the hips, hurrah! I won't go into details, but you girls of a certain age will know what I mean. Well I hope you do.

Then I walked across into Campbell Park and took this picture looking back towards the centre. Can't see it can you? It's a great park and the trees behind me were looking fantastic. I didn't spot any sheep, although there's a great deal of sheep poo around. Another day.

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