Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Spring is here!

My little Aloe Vera plant has sprouted this little shoot, which I assume will, in the next few days, flower. Quite a few of my plants have started to show signs that Spring is here, new growth and the odd flower or two.

Busy day today, gym for my Sunday morning step class, home, cup of tea, then tackle the houswork. I've made a big pan of vegetable soup for tomorrow, 30 muesil biscuits ready for the biscuit tin, this should keep Roy happy for a week and tonights tea is prepared, pasta and prawns in a spicy tomato sauce.

Panic yesterday, no internet, after speaking to Sarah we established it was possibly a fault with the service provider, which turned out to be correct, no internet for 24 hours, it felt as though my right hand had been cut off.

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