Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


So we called this little cutie Betsy for half a day till we started shortening it to Bet. Then she was Dotty for a bit. Today we've mostly called her pup. But I think we have now settled on Nellie.

Worked today. Awful first walk- the dogs were really naughty and I had too many that had to stay on the lead which is bloody hard work. Then my second walk had a grumpy dog on who kept snarling at one of the others. To be fair he is totally deaf and I think probably partially sighted so he freaks out when dogs run towards him or me. Seems to be a particular problem with black dogs. I suppose all he can see is this dark shape looming towards him.

The kids had a great day at Lauras. Tobes hasn't been since he started school and he was really looking forward to seeing Alfie.

Found an amazing house on the Internet. Want to go and see it but dont think we can afford it. Not sure how we stand with getting a mortgage with only having the business for 12 months. I should really stop looking. Just want a wider house and Garden. Feel like I'm living in a tunnel all the time!

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