..........Take your pick............

You can choose tonight............

The horror of my visit to the Physiotherapist....or the joyous tale of our win in the opening game of the 2014/15 Quiz League.

If the Spanish Inquisition is missing a member............I know where she is..........in the Physio department of our local hospital. Drove myself there for my long awaited appointment............paid £2 for the privilege of parking.

Seen promptly............a long session of questions........and then...........shoes, socks and trousers off....a bit of walking up and down....standing on one leg...........a feel round the arches of my feet.....a few bends of the right knee..............and then........

"Lie down on the bed............lift the right leg....................I'm going to push down....you stop me getting the leg back on the bed.............turn on your right side..........a flex against the joint......a rotation...........a push of the leg all the way back...........a stretch all the way out......an opposite rotation....more bends, pulls, pushes and rotations.........I may have let out the odd whimper........I believe a single tear fell.......and then it was over. She certainly put the knee through its paces.......and the outcome?

Definite cartilage damage.......and possible ligament damage..............two weeks of exercises....................and then back for another session.........in the mean time referred for a scan........and to a clinic that will examine my gait.....to see if the problem stems from the way I walk.

The knee hurts like buggery now....but at least something positive has begun..........and she was a lovely girl really......for a torturer!


First Quiz match tonight.......new landlords at the pub.........but we carried on from last year............a fairly easy victory............we led from start to finish and ran out 52-40 winners.

A few questions for you to try............go on you know you want to.....

1. Who in 1969 did Sonny Liston describe as "the greatest boxer of all time, never gave up and no one ever beat him"?
2. The statue "Motherland Calls" in Volgograd commemorates which event of World War II?
3. Which food stuff was originally sold in tins and named "Fluid Beef"?
4. Which explosive was developed to replace the more volatile Nitroglycerin and was originally called Nobel's Safety Powder?
5. Which song heralds the start of every day in the film Groundhog Day?
6. Who played the part of the rookie baseball player in the film The Natural?
7. In which aquatic sport is a participant who stands with left foot forward and right foot at the tail known as a "natural"?
8. Which country produced 73% of the World's opium in 2013?
9. Archie Armstrong was dismissed from which official position in the Court of Charles II because of his outspoken views n the clergy?
10. Ricketsia ricketsia is the scientific name of which potentially fatal disease which gets its common name from the region of the western United States where it first emerged?

There you go...........that's been my day.

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Oh............you'd like the answers............
1. Rocky Marciano
2. Battle of Stalingrad
3. Bovril
4. Dynamite
5. I Got You Babe
6. Robert Redford
7. Surfing
8. Afghanistan.
9. Jester.
10. Rocky Mountain fever.

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