All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The road to Wishaw

More snow today and it took a few attempts to successfully get the car out of the driveway - hubbie had to push the car in the end!

Ethan & I were going to Wishaw to meet 6 friends. They're all friends I made whilst on my IVF journey and between us we now have 9 children, 8 of whom are IVF babies. The eldest is 3 years old and Ethan is the youngest, at 11 weeks. Although we try to all meet 2 or 3 times a year, it's the first time we've all met up since all 7 of us have had babies. So it was a very special, if chaotic, day. I couldn't have got through the past few years without them and it was just the best thing in the world to see us all there with our precious children.

We had also arranged for an amateur photographer to come along to take some photos of the day. She tried to get a group shot of all 16 of us but not easy with so many children. Will be interesting to see how they come out!

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