If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Breakfast Time!

The weather forecast was horrible and I was due to be in a meeting most of the day. Before the meeting I popped out to the lodge to pick something up. Fortunately it was a local meeting so I didn't have to start too early.

Looking out of the window in the lodge I saw this fella having breakfast on the lawn. Typically I had left the camera in the car with the 50mm lens on it. Funny how the wrong lens is always on the camera, I never had this problem with the bridge camera!

Carefully I crept out to the car grabbed the camera bag and went back in. Changed lenses and carefully crept out on to the verandah where I could take shots round the corner. The rabbit obligingly didn't move.

Back inside I checked the shots - not totally crisp. Glance out, good still there. So back on to the verandah and a few more shots.

When I left it was still happily munching away never having noticed all my frantic creeping about!

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