The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

So busy, so windy ...

I have worked my little socks off today. I had the brainwave that I could take advantage of being at home without mum, and see if I could get the carpets and suite cleaned. Amazingly the carpet cleaners I rang were able to come this afternoon, so I spent all morning clearing and seriously cleaning the room (and wondering what the cleaner does - because she certainly doesn't clean behind things. Or on top of them. Or beside them.)

Then someone came and helped me to unload the stuff I'd bought at the weekend on eBay - two big bookcases, one wardrobe and a DVD case - all for 99p!! Yes, really! I only bid on one bookcase but was offered all the rest for free and accepted!

The afternoon has been spent organising two dreadfully messy rooms. I don't feel like I've ever properly moved in some of my things.

It made me slightly sad - making the house a little more mine, and a little less mum's - I suppose it made me think about becoming parentless, which is going to happen at some point.

The foxes visited a lot today - but were very nervous - looking behind themselves and being very jumpy all the time. They really hate the wind.

Here's Littley looking very windswept indeed.

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