
By CoffeePotter

MUCH better than a bunch of flowers

I’ve had to take today off sick. I’ve not been feeling too good for a few days, but was quite poorly yesterday evening and this morning. I’ve spoken to our doctor, who thinks it is a viral infection, so I need to take it easy for a day or two, as I have a rather chequered medical history.

Luckily, Nurse Technophobe sprang to the rescue in true Wonder Woman style. She donned some tights, a t-shirt and cape, put her knickers on the top for good measure, and flew up our drive with some much needed provisions (C is working away today) to keep me in food. She also brought me this rather fetching present, which in her own words “is much better than a bunch of flowers”. And so it is!

Thanks Technophobe, every time I make use of my present I shall think of you.

Seriously – that’s very kind of her. What a lovely friend to have. With any luck it will last longer than a bunch of flowers too!

p.s. I tried to make it look artistic in a photography sort of way, with some reflections. Not that it wasn't looking pretty already.

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