A little bit of sunshine

I've had few miserable days dealing with my son's school stuff. I'm not going to go into details, we still have some issues that we need help with and I hope we get it, but as I drew the year on a paper I immediately felt better. We have a good plan with most of the stuff and need some academic help with few subjects.

It's not easy to watch your own kid going through tough times. Even with help he's still the one that needs to get through it. I ordered him a book for his birthday David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell. I've always myself enjoyed Gladwell's books and I hope he'll get inspired by it. I ordered it in English as I know he understands it and at the same time it's good practice for his English finals next spring. But it's almost two months til his birthday... Maybe I'll give it to him earlier.

As you can see we have some sunshine. It's bloody cold in here. I think I need to go buy a bigger winter coat that fits many many many layers of clothing underneath. I'm so cold all the time and my body temperature is at 33,3° at times compared to normal 37° or the given range of normality 35,8°–37,8°. I envy people who live in warmer climates and I will probably keep complaining all winter. Sorry in advance.

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