
This sculptor is in Neil Hawkins Park in Wanneroo.
It's of an Indigenous Australian Woman she is a Bibulmun Yorga, the Bibulmun Tribe get their name from the fact they are from the hills district that follow the coastline, she is wearing a cloak of kangaroo skin called a Buka pronounced (boo-Ka), on her head she is wearing a yaggardi.
She is holding a dish called a yandi,this dish carried wood, water, food even babies, the stick she is holding is called a wanna (digging stick)

The dog is called a dwerda and is the clan totem for Wanneroo, Yanchep and Moora areas. Borunga means totem and Borongarup is the birthplace of all Bibulmun (just like the Garden Of Eden is to all Christians) Wanneroo is a song line for a country. Wanneroo is derived from a Bibulmun sacra word which denotes the country of vegetable foods, yams, yanget and tuart tree roots.
How coincidental that the Southern Europeans that settled here in the 1800's first set up market gardens here?

A little bit of Ozzie culture before the Europeans settled here and made it into the city it is today ...

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