Book and a Cover
We moved here from Kent nearly 3 years ago and into this house 16 months ago. Anyone who has moved house will know how long it takes to get the house into the “we're done” state. As it stands I've just got the hallway to finish and then get floor coverings for 5 rooms. But I digress. The most traumatic thing for me is that for over 4 years my books have not been accessible or in any order. Although my mate Morag subscribes to the school of the Diesel indexing system i.e. when organising books, DVDs or CDs (or e-mail folders) she states “Diesel do” and places them in a random order I just can't be having with that.
Anyhoo, as it stands my books are on shelves all over the house stacked on top of each other and I can't organise them until I decorate the hall (she is a cruel taskmaster). I'm still digressing. Having moped around the house today I sat at the PC, looked to my right and saw this book, which immediately sent my thoughts back to when I was at school.
I've always loved reading, books have played a major part in my life to the extent of finishing relationships. “You like your books more than me” “Er … yeah”. This book in particular means a lot as it is the one that generated my interest in sci-fi literature. This is all thanks to my English teacher, Harold Rottesman*, who took my interest in books and sent it into the stratosphere.
*For the really older readers of this Blip, Harold also created Fergus Fish for TV. Anyone that remembers that please give me a shout.
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