365 days in Blips!
Pheew! :-)
It's taken me a wee while longer than hoped and there are a few gaps for which I'm sure I still have the images to put in at some point :-)
This all started after a chance meeting with JoppaStrand on the beach 1 morning.
I'd been taking photos pretty much most days already but now I'm really enjoying the challenge of trying to take 1 every day.
I'm also enjoying the encouragement from fellow Blippers even when I know some days my pics are garbage :-)
Blip's a great thing and I only wish I had more time to leave more comments, reply to those who've been kind enough to leave me comments and also to appreciate some more of the truly fantastic images on it.
Here's to the next 365 days.
In other news I had a bit of a smile at work today.
Yesterday I'd been working from home and left my notebook out in the evening.
Anyway, today sitting in a meeting I turned to the next blank page and there across the top in Max's writing was 'what would you do if you saw a zombie?'
I nearly choked with laughter :-)
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