Mine and theirs

October Word Challenge Day 23: Leisure

Most of my leisure time consists of walking these two wally woluffs. Pretty much all of their life is leisure time but there are certain things they really enjoy...Vole hunting (unsuccessfully mostly), terrorising bunnies, wallowing in mud, eating, sleeping, licking faces, laying on laps - The rule seems to be 'If you're on a lap, you're not technically on the sofa'. They are most happy when in the woods, even better if there is mud and water involved. Here they are hunting a twig...to the death. Taliskularis the Big eventually crunched it to smitherines whilst Sigyn the Inquisitive watched on in admiration.

Enough of leisure (for me anyway), I am off to work to do a late shift followed by a sleep-in, my first. I imagine My Love and Talisker will be sprawled on the sofa this evening sharing beer and pizza and burping whilst Sigyn sighs and munches her way through a bag of bones.

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