Our five mile world

By hazyheap

Is it a frog or a stick?

Up early to greet a new day. Great light as the sun rises. Heard the first woodpecker of the year drilling a hole in an old tree .......nesting instincts abound.

Saw two roe deer down by the river bank eating whatever they can find. This mornings breakfast included the new emerging green tips of the flag irises.

The oyster catchers, are late this year. We expect to hear them on or around St Valentine's day but to date the river has been quiet.

The ducks are about and as I was walking beside our burn ( little river), I spotted what I thought was a frog or puddock. Oh I do need to wear my glasses when I'm out and about these days!

No not a frog but a stick poking out of the burn.

I smiled and thought how beautiful the reflection of the water was, this would be my Blip for today.

It also serves to remind me not to make a judgement on first sight but to take time and care before I jump to conclusions.

Bill and I have had a discussion about the definition of Puddock. According to one website the word is obsolete! According to another it is the Scot's word for either frog or toad. Bill knows it as the word for toad and I know that it is a beautiful word that I love to pronounce whatever it's definiton!

Have a good day everyone

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