Poppies,poppies everywhere!!
Today I went to London Bridge with " A " who was having an angiogram and echocardiogram at the London Bridge Hospital he had to be there by 11 am, I thought I would take the opportunity to look at the poppies at the Tower of London !! This was a first, I haven't done anything as adventurous on my own for more years than I wish to remember . I must say I am so very glad I went, it was so poignant , the effort I took to get there was just NOTHING compared to what these people in the armed forces did for us to live! " A" said he was ok on his own, but he certainly needed someone with him when he left hospital at 7.30 pm. Lots of instructions which would have been ignored if I hadn't have been there!!! Macho Men awww' !
I was near to tears as I looked at these poppies , tho' my maternal grandfather( who I never new) came home, he was in the medical corp. , what awful atrocities he must have witnessed? What bravery these men had shown, we that lived through the 2nd world war saw little to the experience these brave men saw , even tho' I know I have done too much and am suffering for it tonight , I am very pleased I have done it.
Thank you for the life you gave that we should live.
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