
By SpotsOfTime

Looking to Carrock Fell

A quick jaunt up Little Mell Fell after another difficult day at work.
Came home to a poem I rather liked sent by a friend ...


…It must be
we are waiting
for the perfect moment.

It must be
under all the struggle
we want to go on.

It must be,
that deep down,
we are creatures
getting ready
for when we are needed.

It must be that waiting
for the listening ear
or the appreciative word,
for the right
woman or the right man
or the right moment
just to ourselves,

we are getting ready
just to be ready

and nothing else.

Like this moment
just before the guests arrive
alone in the kitchen
sensing a deep
down symmetry
in every blessed thing.

The way
that everything
to us
is preparing
to meet us too.

Just on the other
side of the door
is about to knock
and our life
is just
about to change

and finally
after all these
years rehearsing,
the curtain,

we might
just be
to go on.

From ‘Waiting to Go On’: in ‘River Flow:
New and Selected Poems’

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