An uneventful day, but I did catch up with bits and pieces at work. I had to pop to Marks and Spencer at lunch time for a couple of things. I couldn’t believe how busy it was. There were big queues at every checkout. Is this the beginning of Christmas shopping? I also passed the new temple to Apple. It is minimalist and looks very uninviting, but it was packed. Then there was some kind of armoured car with a few soldiers at the east end of Princes Street– I’m guessing it was something to do with army recruitment. I had left my camera in the office, otherwise that might have been my blip today.
BB had Cubs tonight – first time as a fully-fledged Cub – with badges on his uniform! I went for a wee run and even though it was quite windy, it was incredibly mild.
Blipped these silhouetted trees when I was on my way to pick BB up from after school club.
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