
By CharlotteJ

Feeling the Love!

One of the girls at the office who I work with very closely knows that I have been under a bit of pressure these last few weeks and knew also that I was feeling a bit under the weather this morning and knew I wanted to get finished for lunchtime and knew that probably wasn’t a realistic target, , however, she firmly informed me today, that she was going to take over my reporting for the day, pick up the payroll approval and generally check my emails for the rest of the day so that I could finish early. She literally shoved me out of the door at 1pm with ‘don’t worry I will cover you, you do the same for me, now buggar off’ so I did as I was told! When I got home, on the table was this lovely note from Chris on the back of a envelope….it’s the simple things that make a girl smile!

So my plans for this afternoon….housework oh and perhaps check emails!!
Happy Friday folks. Comments may be erratic again; we are off to Sheffield tomorrow for the day. Will do my best to check in


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