What? Why? Who? How?

What possessed them?
Why did they think it was a good idea?
Who was stupid enough to do it?
How are you meant to follow that?

Another non enforceable ticket was stuck on the windscreen today.
Another ticket that will be ignored.
Threats don't work.

Roofs and details thereof along with bright coloured uncomfortable seating were snapped while The Cygnet and I killed some time having a drink waiting for Squirrel and SWMBO to finish gymnastics.

I escaped the madness and bad behaviour (Yes! - it was all too good to last) with PD and went for a walk.
PD was completely oblivious to the lion in the undergrowth who seems to be a regular visitor to this spot.

With the monsters back to their unacceptable behaviour all I can say is "Roll on going home time" when I can go home, grab the suitcase and head for the airport for a weekend away.

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