Tarzan Trail

After consulting the weather forecast we decided today was the day for Landmark- it's 2 years since we've been and probably the first time Nelly has been big enough really.
So a day of water slides. high ropes and the Skydive, the rollercoaster, optical illusions and red squirrel sighting.
Nelly was desperate to go on the Tarzan Trail, but once she was roped up and ready to go she had complete hysterics. Random strangers were going "What a shame!" like she was being forced to do it against her will! So she came down, had a wee greet, watched a wee boy doing it then asked her long suffering Dad to take her back up. Sheer determination saw her go the whole way round, what a wee star she was!
Betty was fearlessly intrepid in doing the Skydive too.
Once Landmark closed we drove to Aviemore, checked into our very cosy wee chalet for dinner and a movie- I've never seen Ghostbusters before- 80's-tastic!

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