Tundra! Need to find a new name
The visit was great, after I found the place but that's just me, can get lost in a cul-de-sac!
Shiv behaved like a rampaging elephant trying to make herself look big but, after it became obvious no one was interested, she became curious with her new surroundings.
Once she had settle the large, or make that huge!, Tundra was brought in for a visit. Another show of dominance from Shiv was totally ignored and from then on she was smitten.
A younger possible pal made it clear that he wasn't up for a madam and he soon strolled off.
The plan was for Arnie to visit tomorrow and if all went well Tundra would come to us next weekend. The pooches soon put paid to that. Shiv refused to get in the car to come home and Tundra climbed in instead and refused to get out. Shiv was then happy to get in so, that was that, and we are now a family of four.
Tundra (have to find a new name! Any suggestions?) has a spectacular snore, loves to lean and is a big gentle lump.
And no, I got no work done in the garden but who cares.
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