Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

While Munchkin 1 is away.....

...the ladies of the house will play.

Emptied the old house today of the last few remaining bits, not much, a couple of curtain poles, ladders and a heavy box upstairs which I managed to slide downstairs and asked a neighbour to lift to the van. So now all I have to do is pop in on Sunday to get some meter readings and pop the keys through the letter box and say goodbye for the last time, as we actually exchanged contracts today. Hallilyuha.

Dropped Munckin 1 off at an outdoor activity centre for his Scout camp. It was quite strange as its at a centre I used to travel to when I lived in the Midlands, for training and courses. The water fountain outside looked a little worse for wear,and the inside reception and foyer wasn't quite the same either. Momentarily, I was transported to a different time and place where I never used to be an elastic band mum... but a career driven professional. I wouldn't change it for the world! Well....maybe for just an hour or so.

So with my son safely deposited and acting oh so cool, whatever. Little Miss E and I went for a spot of shopping, then to an american style diner for tea out. My goodness, my daughter can eat!

Have a lovely weekend.


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