Bedridden Day 2

Didn't go to work today.

It wasn't really an option anyway as I couldn't stand up without falling down.

When I had the flu before, I kind of enjoyed it in a weird way as it meant I could just lie there and read a book with no interruptions on my time, my brain not nagging me to check my email or satisfy that whim or this, but this one was different.

I had the first Game of Thrones book on Kindle but never had the time (or lack of outside interruption) to really dig in deep like you have to. It's like a frozen garden where you have to get that fork and really give it some welly till it yields, and once it does, once those prongs slide in, then the rest gets easier. Yes I know that sounded just like a Game of Thrones metaphor... But every time I got a few pages further I'd wake up a bit later having dropped asleep and then have to backtrack in the book. Or I just felt so bloody yuck that I didn't give a toss about Bran, Brun, Bryn or Yinn.

No appetite either. A sandwich featured somewhere but I can't remember when or where. In fact it might not have even been my sandwich. It might have been Tyrion Lannisters burnt bacon sandwich that I might have read about.

But - I did give a toss about getting my blip, so I shoved my phone through the metal slats on the blind, clicked, and hoped it was OK.

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