
By cowgirl

These are a few of my favourite things!

Well, two of them anyway!

The day started with an early appointment with the vet. She's as delighted as we are that his eye is doing so well and he's down to one of the drops now.

Then it was home to pack the car up and organise the pet sitters.

First port of call in the Midlands was the house. The scaffolding is down now and inside there are dividing walls that are plastered, a staircase, plumbing and wiring all ready for the fixtures and fittings to go in. So, seven weeks today we should be getting our keys. We've been talking about it for so long that I can't really believe it's happening!

With the house business done, it was on to pleasure - visiting the farm of Mary and Alex's grandparents where I was delighted to find the kids were also there. We had a lovely few hours playing with them and catching up with chit chat. Mary spent ages looking at all the new pictures and videos of her aunts and their horses, and then her grandad watched them over and over again. I had to take the iPad off him in the end as it was dinner time and everyone else wanted to eat!

Relaxing at my mums now. I guess we'll have an early night as we hope to set off for Scotland at about 6am.

My blip is a "selfie" that Mary took of us ( along with 5 black photos of the back of the iPad and 15 of the top of her head and the wall behind her! ).

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