Jessica Katy Kimberley

By Kimbo14

Road Trip

So, Mommy borrowed Aunty Danne's car and off we all went to Marlborough to see Grandad Kimbo, Alice and Felix.
So Sam, Lilly, Aunty Adelle, Daddy, Jessie and Mommy all set off on a road trip. What a noisy car! Just 1 'quick' wee stop on the way and we were there by 7.30.
A quick change for Jessie before milk and bed. Luckily Sam and Lilly were on hand to help daddy with the change! They both find Jessica fascinating, we're just trying to help them understand she's not actually a dolly!
Jessie went straight to sleep (which is just as well as she was on the 4th floor!) and then we had dinner. Well most of us did, Lilly was taking full advantage of the freedom of no stair gates, so Aunty Delly had to keep corralling her and didn't really get to eat much dinner.

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