Peanut feast

When I got back last weekend, the bird table was bare. All the peanuts had been eaten and it looked a sorry sight.

I filled it all up straightaway but the birds took some time to return. For the whole of the week I've seen one or two bluetits and pigeons but no robin, few blackbirds and certainly not my jay.

This morning, I got back from a lovely time at the gym and pool (swirling mist caught the light over the water and I wished I could have blipped it, but the pool wouldn't have been good for the camera !). The light was marvellous and I wondered about walking down the road to capture the richness of the beech trees. But I was tired and had my breakfast instead.

While I was waiting for the eggs, I noticed that the jay was back. He was not best pleased that I'd let the peanut feeder drop to half level, but he had a good tuck in.

And now I've blipped, I'm going to fill it up.

yes, my friend. I've got the message :-)

Enjoy your weekend

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