The wheels on the bus go round and round

Up and out for ballet then via the deli to home.

For ages Charlotte has informed me that she wants to go on a bus. Today was the day for going on a bus. Daddy dropped us at the bus stop and after about five minutes we were on a bus heading to Worcester Woods. The journey was good fun, apart from being stuck in a big traffic jam for ten minutes. Got slightly nervous when we pulled in at the bus station and the driver got off, but another driver got on. I wasn't entirely sure when the bus would drop us, but playing the dumb female helped as the driver drove his bus all the way as far as he could go to drop us off. Fairly sure he did this to be nice as there was no bus stop.

Met uncle john, auntie Katie and Lucy there as well as daddy and Wom who had come to collect us to go
Home. Charlotte wanted to play as soon as we arrived which given the hour she had had to sit still wasn't surprising. She also conned her daddy into two rides on the train! Wom had a good old look around and then decided sleep was best option.

Home. Charlotte crashed.

Popped back up to Lucy house for cake and a play, home for a later than normal tea which wasn't really a success. Bath etc completed and then another epic getting to sleep night. Had completely forgotten the clocks move tonight so was slightly annoyed with myself over this, wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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