Training day break

An early morning drive under grey skies and squally showers to Irvine for 9am to get ready for an all Ayrshire development session for children's panel members. Along with Prof Kenneth Norrie I was speaking to the gathering.

Some interesting issues emerging in the questions and answer sessions, including the role of legal representation in hearings, the nature of appeals, and the process for confirming continuity from one hearing to another. Very interesting and we could have discussed for longer.

There was a welcome break mid morning with coffee and bacon rolls when this blip was taken.

Then a drive back in increasing sunshine. A wonderful view of Glasgow under a giant rainbow has to be stored in my head, since a photo was not possible while driving along the motorway.

Then the usual shopping and visits to the family.

Enjoyable day: and as ever encouraging to witness the commitment and desire of these volunteers to understand more and learn more detail about what should be done.

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