Went out this morning with Phoebe to check on the Morning Glory which so far has only flowered twice. Bit disappointing when you consider it has been much warmer this year. However, noticed this Shield bug sitting on the leaves and thought how odd to see the brown mark on it's back. Also loved to see the 'hairy' stems of the Ipomoea. Will have to bring it into the conservatory somehow before the weather turns colder.

Been a busy day as Mr A and I have tidied up the Utility room by adding two shelves which makes more use of the space. Was always embarrassed to show people around the house with it looking like a 'tip'. Job done and we've started a big clear out.

Even visited the local tip and got rid of loads that were festering in the garage.

So we have so far put to good use our 'free' weekend. Tomorrow lawn and hedge trimming and of course I will be working on my stained glass. Ordered some more items today and it is not cheap. Will need to start selling soon to recoup some funds.

Hope you like my little bug and that you are enjoying the weekend. Thankyou for your visit. Love to you all. xx

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