One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Entering my 7th Decade

60 years ago today (10 days later than scheduled), I finally appeared on the scene. At the same time a hole appeared in the fence of the house opposite, where the doctor reversed into it. It wasn't until the house changed hands nearly 30 years later that the fence (still with the hole present (in tact?)) was taken down.

I was not a healthy baby and the doctors didn't expect me to last more than 3 months. I'm happy to say that they were slightly out on that prediction!

So as I enter my 61st year and my 7th decade (do the sums, your first year is 0-12 months, your first decade is 0-9 years) you get a caricature that was done of me a few years ago (I had more hair them) when at a suppliers open day. It's the closest to a self portrait that you've got in here!

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