Whose Time is it Anyway?

What a stupid idea it is to change the clocks twice a year. This archaic system dates back to the days of farmers driving, or not being able to, their tractors in the dark. In these days when tractors are fitted with LED headlights and GPS systems, this is totally not a problem any more (as well as the fact that all the farmers like to be back home in front of Emmerdale each evening, any farmers reading this, I’m only kidding).

And who tells the animals to have an extra hour’s kip. Ann gets up every day at 6am to give Dylan his breakfast and insulin injection. With his diabetes it’s important that he gets food and insulin twelve hours apart every day. So this morning at 04:53 Dylan was up and barking expecting his breakfast; so much for an extra hour in bed. We’re going to have to phase him back to the ‘new’ six o’clock slot.

I’m not blaming the farmers in any way. It must be really difficult for them too, especially with dairy herds on a regular milking schedule. So why doesn’t the government take the bull by the horns and drop this ridiculous idea which is not fit for purpose in the 21st century?

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