
By cowgirl

Moggy men

The weather was a bit rough today as we left Glasgow and made our way over to Kilwinning, via a windswept Loch Winnoch, where even the ducks seemed to have had enough of the weather!

We arrived at the house of Mark and Ann ( centre of the photo ) who entertained us until Garry ( next to Sav ) arrived and we followed him over his house to meet his wife, Sharon ( on the right ).

Later, we all met up again for dinner and now we are back at Garry and Sharon's, replete and having a cuppa. Talk about teenagers not knowing how to converse, we are all on our iPads! My excuse is that I'm blipping, don't know what everyone else is doing!!

Garry is Betty's owner, and the purpose of our visit is to deliver his picture to him. He's quite chuffed with it! In fact he's " pure dead brilliant " with it! Apparently that's how they say it up here!!

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