( House ) WORK

Stayed indoors today doing various household chores. Including the ironing. Whilst ironing I listened to the radio. The match was on. Newcastle United played away at Spurs and they won by 2 goals to 1. My blip show my Newcastle scarf which I just happened to be ironing this afternoon. The Forum Challenge word for today is work and the amount of ironing I did felt like really hard work. Burned a few calories hopefully.

I made a slimming world recipe this afternoon - curry loaf. Its syn free and great for snacking.

Neil texted me this morning just before he boarded his flight to Dublin. He said he was still suffering after his rugby game yesterday - aching all over. Hopefully he will recover in time for the Marathon tomorrow. He's already looking forward to a pint (or two) of Guinness after the run.

Becky was running again this morning - in The Old Deer Park, Richmond Half Marathon. She ran a half marathon last weekend too. When she was little she took part in many running events but she never really enjoyed it. But now she is a keen runner. Like her Dad and her brother.

Steps today - 6,214

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