Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

All mouth and no trousers?

The Dizzle has some new pants. Hope they pass the Blipfoto decency test - not sure about the hairy legs 'though.

Fantastic meal in the Half Full cafe in Mill Hill Broadway with the Yoga Mama tonight. Then went to a shiva, which is a traditional Jewish way of supporting people who have experienced the death of a loved one. Won't go into detail except to say that I found it very moving and it reminded me yet again that you don't have to be Jewish to understand how much better the world is when people are part of a supportive community.

Four things I learnt or was reminded of today:

Some people don't know how to celebrate and reach out in life.
Others know how to celebrate and love even in death.
Don't search for the meaning of life - instead, give life the meaning it deserves.
Laughter is one of the ways we are enriched and made into better people.

Have a good week.

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