This is the most important job I have in the whole wide world.
I keep out marauders.
And I do, too. Last week some poor fellow was too scared (yes, I know - scared of me!!) to come in the gate and deliver a parcel.
SHE was extremely happy about that, because if someone comes through the gate, it follows that I can go out of the gate. And we don't want that to happen, do we!
I believe THEY are on a mission to get one of those gate lock thingies that can't be opened by just anyone. Jut to be on the safe side.
I spend a lot of time in the front garden - just keeping a watch out, you know how it is. Besides, it's nice just sitting out there watching the world go by. We live in a very quiet street, so there's not a whole lot of world to watch. But what there is I watch with great care.
In other news, we had the massivest storm in the history of storms last night. Thunder, lightening, power outages, the works. Hundreds and hundreds of lightening strikes. The good news was that although our power went off it was only for a few seconds. The even better news is that although there were a few grass and tree fires started by the lightening, it was nothing too bad. Nothing that our wonderful country fire service couldn't handle.
But I was a good girl - My eyes opened just a little bit wider, and I do believe I let a growl and a tiny bark escape when one thunder clap happened right over our house. It even made THEM jump!
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