A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

High Risk Salad

Day two of Food Safety Level 2 for Caterers. Curious mix of commonsense, arbirary rules, and paranoia; pictures you really don't want to see, and stories you don't want to hear.

Not really a photographic subject, neither was the Elder Storage Facility in which it was held, so an art'y shot of the exit is what you get. Strains of Genesis' Home by the Sea waft through my mind.

Meanwhile, back home Rod and sons peeled off a large slice of roof today, found massive wasps nests (disused) and big gaps in the loft insulation 'behind the chimney where the owners won't notice'.

A man came to drill holes in the trees to see which ones were about to fall over. One tree's been daubed with pink which I suspect is a Bad Sign.

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