
By RoseFamily

Leaves everywhere

Leaves really are everywhere, it's most definitely autumn. Andy and Nate had a good go at clearing the front garden after the recent tree shedding, just the back garden to go. Balian had fun crawling through them too.
Frustrating day as swimming class overbooked for Nathaniel so a wasted journey there. Hope we can sort it out, would be sad to miss out on our slot. Bay and I stayed at home as he's still on treatment for his ear infection. But we all made it to a lovely lunch at the Heywood's. Really nice to catch up and hear all the news, it's been so long!
Nathaniel refused to nap afterwards, but Bay couldn't stay awake! He's bring really clingy, only sleeping in my lap or when we co-sleep. Who knows if it's teeth or his ear, but he's on painkillers anyway and it's not improved his mood. Nothing for it but to I helped him sleep for an hour and a half whilst Andy made us a delicious roast. It'd be perfect if I could learn the art of napping....or if Andy could learn how to encourage Bay to sleep on him so I could've cooked whilst Andy napped. Both boys loved their dinner though so all's well.

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