
Nope...not a rocket. One more in the ongoing series, 'things I didn't see today'. There was to be a launch of a rocket carrying supplies to the ISS at 6:45pm, from Virginia. I was all set, excited to use my brand new remote control for the first time to eliminate button-pressing wobble. Some $#*% boat got into the restricted zone and they had to call the whole thing off! I was so irritated. I can only imagine how the people to whom this really mattered must have felt. They will retry again tomorrow at 6:22pm, but I will be busy at that point.

So it was back to my default shot. I did appreciate the extra clarity that the remote control gave, and I kind of liked when a plane got in the way.

The upside? Being on the roof in the dark in my shorts and t-shirt at the end of October. I still haven't had to wear longers on my way to work yet. This may all come to a crashing halt--we are promised 26C tomorrow, but snow flurries on Saturday.

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