
By niels

Not what I had planned...

Inspired by yesterday's sunshine (finally, after a long period of very grey days with snow and rain) I planned to go to a new location to capture sunset.
- check weather forecast: looks good, lot's of sun, minor clouds
- find location: used Google maps and picked a location at the 'Van Starkenborghkanaal'
- check photo bag: complete as always!

So, end of the day after work, let's go!

When I arrived at the planned location, I quickly saw that the sun would go down way too far to the west to able to make a good composition. No worries, I had a backup location and the canal was long enough with all kinds of curves.
So I drove on, and on, and on... Couldn't get to the backup location. And then misery began...
Trying to find an interesting location while seeing the sun go down quickly is even stressful! Finally picked a location in a very small place called 'Gerkesklooster'. Got my tripod, prepared the camera and looked for the best composition I could make.

The clouds looked great, the sun went down, just wait 10 or 15 more minutes, then the sky would become very colourful, I was sure! No, this didn't happen, heavy clouds came in instead and the colours disappeared rapidly, not delivering the great colours I hoped for.

The result? Well, today's blip is the best I could make of it, but I'm not at all happy with the result. Let's call it a snapshot and take another chance soon...

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