My 40th year

By 54r4h

Driving day

The plan was all in the car for 7.30am to drive back home so I could get to work. It was all going so well, dogs let out in the garden, oven on for croissants, girls getting up, then Flynn appeared at the back door after a quick wee but without Mr. Dylan. Maybe he's having a good sniff round I thought. Showered, dressed, breakfast being eaten and I checked again, noticing the side gate had blown open in the wind last night. Disaster! He's usually gone an hour if he escapes, having a good mooch round the village, eating Dingo's food (a neighbouring dog), trotting up the high street, popping in the shops! The clock was ticking on, India was crying (always dramatic) that we can't leave him behind, I was getting late for work and then he turned up!

The traffic wasn't bad and I dropped the girls at mums and got to work. The boss is off this week but it was ridiculously busy! The day passed in a blur and we were back up here by 9pm. This is the view out of my bedroom window - sleepy town.

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