Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

This is mine, and this is mine and this is mine

JazzyB may be on her jolly hollyers but the cats are here protecting anything they can find. This includes all the rubbish accumulated by our soon to be ex-neighbours (Yeeeeha).

Gibby sits in the dominant position, as befits a rabble rouser and singer of his stature; meanwhile Tabitha prowls at ground level, ready to take her chance should numb nuts (I use that description advisedly) decide to dominate somewhere else. Only in the cat kingdom can a eunuch rule the roost.

My favourite Cat - Red Dwarf. Smeg!

PS! The Royal Marines are celebrating 350 years of their glorious history, formed on the 28th October 1664 as the Duke of York & Albany's Maritime Regt of Foot, known generally as the Admiral's Regt.


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