
These poles have recently been installed on the centre reservation, there are a few more groups of the same poles in other locations of Joondalup, I passed two on the main road leading to this one on my way to the pool this morning, with the pattern topic in mind (see this is how blip gets you, always on the look out to fill today's topic for the challenge, it's a good thing as it opens up the world around you) I googled these poles to find out what exactly their function is, this is the outcome:

Entry and Exit Statements

Entry and Exit StatementsVisually impressive ‘City of Joondalup’ entry and exit statements now mark the northern, north eastern and southern boundaries of the City.

The vertical signage and coloured interpretative poles were recently installed at three locations; two on Marmion Avenue; at Kinross in the north and Marmion in the south and one on Joondalup Drive near the Burns Beach Road roundabout.

The Entry Statements inform people that they are entering and exiting the City, while the rest of the design mimics a city skyline. The individual elements are an interpretive reflection of what the City of Joondalup represents - past, present and future. Once connected to power, the statements will be illuminated at night with the intention to provide a memorable gateway in and out of the City of Joondalup.

So thank you chantler63 for the topic today, and thanks to blip too I've learnt something else today!!

This is my contribution for the topic "patterns"
Pity about the overhead power lines, plans are in progress for putting the lines underground..

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