Is This Right?

SWMBO made the mistake of taking PD for a 'full walk' this morning in the drizzle instead of heading straight for Bags house.

If she had taken the direct route she may have made it before the monsoon broke and her coat, hat and gloves may actually have dried out after 8 hours on radiators.

Squirrel had her first stand up eye gouging, hair pulling fight over ownership of a pillow at playgroup. It would appear that her training beating up her big brother is paying dividends.

I got a phone call from the guy at the garage today to see when I was bringing the car in to try and rectify their cock ups.
He didn't sound happy.
I suspect my letter to the managing director resulted in an arse kicking.

The carrots may look weird but they still taste the same.

I have managed to recover the "lost" pictures from my London trip (Thank You Sandisk) ........ now it is going to take days for my damned overworked laptop to convert them to DNG files so I can actually see/work on them

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