A frustrating day. I expected a delivery of glass this afternoon, but once again UPS delivery let me down. I waited in all afternoon from 13.00 but by 16.00 nothing had arrived. I went on the computer and discovered that according to the tracking information, the delivery driver had tried to deliver at 14.15 but no one was at home. After tracking down a telephone number I told them that this was not true. And he didn't even leave a delivery information card. Don't forget, this has happened before and last time the package, when it finally arrived was in pieces! So they have promised to deliver tomorrow - we will wait and see the outcome. Bear in mind I have paid £8.95 for this service - hardly worth it.

On top of that the tumble dryer has decided to stop working. More money required.

The above blip is for Houseonthehill who asked to see them. By using small scraps of glass it is possible to create Christmas tree ornaments at a low cost.

Not a particularly good day!! Hope yours has been better. Sending love to one and all. xx

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