
By cowgirl

Royal surgery

Today we took the tour of the now 'retired' Royal yacht, Britannia. It broke our Queen's heart to give her up and I can well understand why. Not because it's a particularly beautiful vessel, but for the sense of freedom it gave the Royals, even though most of the time the Queen herself would still be working whilst travelling.

For me the biggest surprise was the operating theatre, added not in case of emergency for the Royal family or guests but because at one time there was the idea that Britannia could be converted into a hospital ship within a matter of hours in time of war. In the end, this capability was never used.

This evening we have been the guests of yet another Moggyman host, Cookie. He cooked us dinner and between us we had provided 3 gooey, creamy, calorific desserts! Had a good chinwag for a few hours, then drove back to Edinburgh via a diversion that took us unexpectedly past the Kelpies. I had no time to even reach for my phone to try to grab a quick shot, and my shrieking and pointing only confused Sav into thinking something was wrong!

Last day in Bonny Scotland tomorrow :-(

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